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Professor Dr. Alain Aspect

Professor Dr. Alain Aspect


Nationality: France

Date of Birth: 15-Jun-1947

Country: France

Detail Biography:

Name : Professor Dr. Alain Aspect 
Profession : Astronomy and physics
Academic Qualification : 
Subject : Astronomy & Physics-quantum theory
Academic institution : 
Bachelor's Degree : Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan (ENS Chchan
Civil service examination in Physics-1969
Graduate degrees in Physics
Master's degree-1971
Ph.D. 1974~1983, Orsay : "Three experimental tests of Bell's inequalities with entangled photons"
Professional institution : 
Assistant lecturer, Orsay University-1969~71
Teacher as voluntary service overseas in Yaounde, Cameroon-1971~1974
Lecturer, Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, Paris-1974
Scientist in the Atomic Physics Dept. College de France-1985
Augustin Fresnel Professor, Laboratoire Charles Fabry
Nobel Prize in Physics-2021
Prize motivation : "for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science".
Prize share : 1/3
Frenc National Center for Scientific Research Gold medal-2005
The Wofl Prize-2010
The Niels Bohr International Gold Medal-2013
The Balzan Prize for Quantum Information Processing and Communication-2013
Scientiest Member : Austria, Belgium, France, United Kingdom, United State of America.
Spouse Name : 
Profession : 
Place of Birth : 15 June 1947, Agen, France
Alain Aspect is known for his experiments illuminating the most intriguing properties of quantum mechanics. His Bell's inequalities tests with pairs of entangled photons (1982) have contributed to settle a debate between Albert Einstein and Nils Bohr, started in 1935. He has also, with Philippe Grangier, given a striking demonstration of wave-particle duality for a single photon, and realized the Wheeler's delayed choice experiment.
After his contribution to the development of laser cooling of atoms, with Claude Cohen-Tannoudji (1985-1992), he has switched to atom optics, where the group he has established revisits landmarks in quantum optics and develops quantum simulators of disordered materials.
In quantum entanglement, two particles are in a single entangled state such that measuring a property of one particle instantly determines that same property in another particle. For example, two particles are in a state where one is spin-up and the other is spin-down. Since the second particle must have the opposite value of the first particle, measuring the first particle results in a definite state for the second particle, notwithstanding the fact that the two particles may be millions of kilometres apart and are not interacting with each other at the time. In 1935, when Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen devised this paradox, they thought that this conclusion was so obviously false that the quantum mechanical theory on which it was based must be incomplete. They concluded that a correct theory would contain some hidden variable feature that would restore the determinism of classical physics; that is, the particles must be in some definite spin even before they are measured.
A professor at the Institut d'Optique graduate school and at Ecole Polytechnique (University Paris-Saclay), he is a member of several academies (France, USA, Austria). Among the awards he has received: the CNRS gold medal (2005), the Wolf prize in Physics (2010), the Nils Bohr Gold medal and the Albert Einstein medal (2012), the Ives medal/Quinn prize of the OSA (2013), the Balzan prize in quantum information (2014).
Professor Dr. Alain Aspect's details coming soon . . . . .

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